
Crazy Sales Cashback Offers

CrazySales - the fastest growing site for online shopping in Australia and New Zealand. We have been providing manufacturer direct deals at great bargains for our customers since 2007. At Crazysales, you can find great deals on thousands of items for each member of the family and for every aspect of day to day life. Our diverse array of categories makes it easy to find just what you are looking for. With discounts of at least 30% and up to 80%, daily deals, weekly promotions and a rewards program that offers free gifts and Crazy Points for each dollar you spend, the potential for savings is huge! We ship 96% of all our orders the next business day and via Australia Post's eParcel provide fast, reliable, reasonable shipping for whatever you buy online.

Terms & Conditions and other useful information

Cashback is payable on the net value excluding delivery, GST and other taxes.

Cashback is available on genuine transactions completed totally online.

  • Using voucher code not listed on our website void your cashback.
  • Cashback is not paid on purchase of gift cards and redeems a gift card.
  • Cashback may not track successfully when you have AdBlock installed on your browser.
  • CrazySales  cashback can be only earned simply by clicking through Kiwiwallet to the merchant and shop as normal.
  • Cashback will not be paid if the goods or services are returned and cancelled.
  • Cashback is payable on the net value excluding delivery, GST and other taxes.
  • Cashback is available on genuine and tracked transactions completed totally online.
  • Cashback rates are subject to change both up and down at any time without prior notification.
  • The majority of transactions are tracked successfully, rarely a transaction may not get reported. If you believe this to be the case, please raise Missing Cashback ticket immediately.
Read all's Terms & Conditions

Trending Retailers

  • 1.5% Cashback

  • 1% Cashback

  • 5% Cashback

  • 4% Cashback

  • 4% Cashback

Newest Retailers

  • 4.5% Cashback
  • 1.5% Cashback
  • 5.5% Cashback
  • 3% Cashback
  • 4% Cashback